
What's in a name?

A new year, a new (long overdue) post. Between finals week, not having a camera for two weeks, and being in New York City for the holidays, I've been a very bad blogger. But among my list of many new year resolutions, I've made a promise to use my camera as often as possible, and to learn it inside and out until I grow tired of it. I'm not a photographer nor will I ever claim to be - I just want to learn. In the mean time, enjoy these shots of Manhattan's 5th Avenue.

Also, notice a change in my blog? I decided the old name I had, "Niki & Co.," wasn't fitting. My whole life I've had a narcissistic attachment to my name. It's not the most common name and even so, whenever I have come across someone with the same name, Niki with one k has always kept me separate, on top of the fact that my full name isn't even Nicole. The Starbucks baristas may not care for the fine details of my name, constantly misspelling it on the plastic surfaces of iced white chocolate mochas, but I like to believe in world of inevitable connectivity, there's still something private and unique out there for me to hold onto. Even if it's something as petty as a name.

Happy 2013, everyone!

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